Leadership Boost


As a leader, your team looks to you for inspiration and motivation to move forward. This can be challenging in a tough work environment or when you’re not feeling motivated yourself. How can you inspire others and guide your team to focus on the value their work brings?

Leadership boost is a 3 day higher level training programme aimed at senior and middle managers with responsibility for driving their business forward and delivering change. Includes peer-to-peer networking and support, mentoring, coaching, action planning, and feedback.

Executive/Senior Level management training for

  • Experienced leaders who want to modernise their leadership skills
  • Leaders looking to improve workplace culture
  • Managers stepping up to higher level roles


Our flagship programme prioritises leadership and people skills. We will help your people better understand themselves and others, lead with purpose and empathy and communicate skillfully.

  • Develop and energise your authentic leadership vision
  • Connect with other sector leaders
  • Empower, engage and inspire your people
  • Deliver transformational change
  • Transform team dynamics
  • Harness the organisational culture with focused leadership
  • Turn conflict into collaboration
  • Renew and rebuild workplace relationships
  • Unblock communication jams

According to a popular study, only 4% of the problems in an organisation are known to top management, whilst 100% of problems are known to front line employees.


Top-down leadership requires information to flow up the line – at every stage being interpreted, filtered and changed. Decision making becomes slow and costly. People feel disempowered and communication breaks down. When communication breaks down, costs go up and progress stalls.


Invert the Pyramid. Empower your People. Transform Communications.

Leadership Boost includes:

  • All materials and design
  • Holistic training environment that extends beyond the classroom
  • Interactive Myers Briggs personality workshop
  • Coaching sessions
  • Mentorship
  • Peer-to-Peer support, networking and forming on-going connections
  • Post training Blue Heron certificates


What do people need from me?

  • The role of a leader.
  • Leader or manager? Where are we now? Where could we be?
  • Purposeful leadership.

Interactive Myers Briggs personality workshop:

  • Learn our own and others natural strengths and how to maximise them.
  • Open potential blind spots.
  • Reduce frustrations and misunderstandings.
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively and efficiently.
Building bridges

Review and Actions – How do I show up as a leader?


Leader as communicator

  • What happens when it goes wrong? Understanding the impact and cost of communication challenges.
  • Great communication - key elements and skills to build influence and rapport.
  • Build a culture of balanced and considerate feedback - make that conversation easier!

Leader as collaborator

  • Breaking barriers - challenge assumptions to reduce misunderstandings.
  • Courageous leadership - earn trust and respect.
  • Build a culture of Psychological Safety to drive innovation and team dynamics.
Culture of collaboration

Review and Actions – How do we build connection and accountability?


Earn the right to Lead

  • Unlock high motivation and build engagement - critical culture analysis.
  • Dynamic leadership - leadership styles and approach.

Building Future Leaders

  • Empower and drive potential through delegating and coaching.
  • Leading adults - move from the parent-child trap to having an adult-to-adult relationship.
Agents of change

Review and Actions – Key actions to build future culture

How can we help you?

Talk to us and see how we can help bring a humanistic approach to your personnel training