Mental Health First Aid and Wellbeing

Mental Health First Aid
and Wellbeing

We are delighted to work in partnership with Claire Harris and Promote Mental Health to be able to offer a range of well-being workshops, Mental Health First Aid qualifications and wider organisational programmes.

All of Claire’s work is designed on the most recent Psychological and Behavioural Science research which she supports with over 20 years’ experience of working in the field.

All areas of mental health and well-being are covered including Mental Health First Aid, Psychological Safety at Work, Stress, Resilience and Coping with Change.

Our services will:

  • Improve knowledge
  • Enhance understanding
  • Increase confidence
  • Upskill you to use techniques and skills to support yourself and others
  • Help you to challenge the stigma and discrimination around mental health
  • Take a strategic approach to mental health and wellbeing

Claire was a fantastic course leader. Her ability to speak so passionately and properly engage a room of people is amazing.

She used her real-life experiences to give learners insight into how it feels to live through a MH crisis and how to better support someone.

It also made the room feel safe and comfortable so we could share our own experiences.

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Get in touch now to carry on the conversation

How can we help you?

Talk to us and see how we can help bring a humanistic approach to your personnel training